Information Services - Wicklow, Wicklow, Ireland is a website which provides step by step instructions on how to start a business in Ireland or the UK. It is free to register - by registering you create your own account which is only accessible by you. Our software guides you towards setting up your business quickly and effectively, by separating the tasks into nine easy to follow steps - think of it as online mentoring! By the time you finish Step 9, your business will be up and running! Benefits at a glance: - No downloading software, we're cloud-based, so you can access your business information from any web enabled device. - Using accelerates getting your business up and running - use our proven nine step process! - Access to 24/7 support. - Access to face to face mentoring in tandem with our online offering. - Affordable, accessible, easy to navigate, easy to understand! - We'll get you from start to business in nine easy steps!