Research - Dayton, Ohio, United States
Our mission is to provide relevant expertise in emergent and future nuclear warfighting capabilities by developing intellectual capital and knowledge through research, education, and publication and by addressing technical nuclear acquisition and warfighting challenges.Since their initial development, nuclear weapons have represented a special technological achievement in the history of modern warfare. For much of the four decades following their development, the United States continued a substantial effort to understand the methods for development and effects of nuclear weapons to ensure that they remain a viable option in the national strategy plan, while providing an effective deterrent against adversaries that has greatly reduced the frequency and intensity of conflict post-WWII.The NEAT was established within the AFIT graduate school with three primary functions: research, education, and publications focused on human capital development. The objective of the research is to connect the disparate technological areas and disciplines to be at the cutting-edge of present and future technologies. To do this, the NEAT will engage in and conduct research with other specialized AFIT centers, USAF organizations, DoD services, government agencies (e.g., NNSA), national laboratories, and universities in a strategic and sustained way. In education, the NEAT seeks to provide the nuclear domain knowledge and expertise to educational initiatives at all levels from continuing to graduate education. Human capital development will occur through graduate student engagement on research projects, conducted in close collaboration with our partners and strategically linked to long-term needs of the nuclear enterprise. The NEAT-affiliated researchers and students at all levels represent an investment in the future highly technical and multi-disciplinary workforce required by nuclear enterprise organizations to sustain and modernize the strategic nuclear deterrent.