Consumer Products - Brøndby, Capital Re, De
Nupo - "To make life a positive experience for people while they're on a diet"In 1981, the leading Danish obesity researcher Dr. Flemming Quaadedeveloped a solution that would change the lives of his overweight andobese patients. A formula to help them lose weight while providing all thenutrition the body needs.At the time, dieting generally meant abstaining from certain foods or fromeating altogether. We knew that unhealthy and unbalanced diets negativelyimpacted people's health and psychology, resulting in failed weight lossattempts and fatigue.In pursuit of our ambition to set a new standard for weight loss products,we innovated the Nupo Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). The VLCD dietliberated dieting making it healthier for the body with products containingall the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibers. Once the dietproducts were in place, we needed a compass to guide different lifestylesand diet preferences. The Nupo Brick System was born out of this need.It removed strictness from dieting, making it flexible to the needs of everyindividual. Nupo Brick System liberated the mind from dieting, making it OKto eat the things that made you happy, as long as you stayed within theboundaries of your daily brick count. At the time, such adaptability wasunheard of.Our goal has always been to help people maintain as normal alifestyle as possible and still lose weight.That's why Nupo is considered the world's most comfortable diet.
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