Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Koraput, Odisha, India
Nyaya Sahayak Samiti (NSS) is a grass root level NGO working in Odisha (especially tribal district of Koraput) since 1982. Its registered under the Registration of Society Act1860 by the Collector-Cum-Additional Registrar of Societies Koraput vide Registration No.KPT-140-1 of 1984-85. Apart from Koraput in Odisha NSS has also worked in adjoining tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh. Role of NSS was highly appreciated during the supercyclone in coastal Odisha in 1999 where its interventions helped in minimizing spread of epidemics in some parts of Jagatsinghpur district. NSS has delivered its projects mostly in Koraput District Kalahandi District as well as in Phulbani District of Odisha which are mostly inhabited by tribals.NSS takes huge pride in its long term (more than 25 years) engagement with tribals of undivided Koraput district of Odisha and adjoing districts of Odisha Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh. All interventions by NSS have been directed towards capacity building in various forms and there has been reasonable success. The three primary focus areas for NSS are empowering tribals by raising their awareness level about legal rights improving their health standard and reduce financial vulnerability. NSS has successfully scaled many heights in its first objective over years of community engagement in the space of legal aid protection of human rights tribal welfare women empowerment education agro forestry and community health. The other two are closely interlinked as they form a vicious cycle. Communicable diseases like Malaria still take away significant number of productive days out of the lives of innocent tribals and with a huge population depending on daily wages each day lost to morbidity indirectly increases financial vulnerability and many a times the innocent tribals fall into greedy hands of opportunistic money lenders. Years of association with tribals gives us the much needed understanding of tribal behaviour and about communication tools that works well. Tribals of Koraput and its adjoining areas have remained out of the reach of any financial inclusion due to coverage under any public or private insurance scheme so far in this context we did a community need assessment recently. As an outcome of need assessment of various communities served by NSS we have realigned our strategy for next 5 years and we will additionally focus our interventions in the space of micro insurance (primarily community based health insurance and agricultural insurance) and livelihood apart from our core competency areas mentioned earlier. In this context NSS is associated with various experts from the field of micro insurance and livelihood to strengthen our understanding and to get necessary guidance till we build our own expertise. Our biggest strength lies in our reach among the community because of the length of our association with tribal empowerment activities and our understanding of the demographics which will help us immensely in our endeavours in the coming years. Currently all our project planning is based on a detailed community need assessment done via a survey questionnaire in line with the principles of research methodology.