College/University - N/A, N/A, DK
Nærum Gymnasium (NAG) - Nærum High School (NAG), an upper secondary high school. \\1067 students. 100 teachers + some 20 employees in administration and in-house services\\En 3-årig gymnasial almen uddannelse (stx) i helt unikke arkitektoniske rammer fra 2003.\\We take pride in our unique architecture from 2003 which provides for frontier educational practice\\NAG bestræber sig på at være et væksthus for alle fag gennem en række særlige indsatsområder\\NAG specialises in Science, Linguistics, Talent Development, Health, Internationalization and Innovation\\Alle undervisere er del af et lærerteam, et team som har ét af NAG's mange særlige indsatsomårder som fokus\\We are in the Danish National Top Five list of schools with the highest academic score\\More than 80 percent of our students continue their studies at University level
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