Computer Software - San Francisco, California, United States
* in·fra·struc·ture/ˈinfrəˌstrək(t)SHər/the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.O1 functions as an open/decentralized software infrastructure and managed service provider for applications of all kinds. We believe infrastructure forms the "floor" on which a society stands and, as such, sets the barrier to accessing vital or valuable services within. Software infrastructure is no exception.Championing fundamental DevOps principles and an automate-everything approach, the goal of O1 is to lower or remove the barriers blocking access for users to the incredible landscape of the world's open-source projects. Each managed service is designed, developed and optimized to meet (or surpass) a standard of production-readiness or a measure of how well an infrastructure supports the following core tenets:* usability* resiliency* observability* security 0xO1 is also an ode to 01 (sometimes labeled Zero-One and also referred to by humans as the Machine City), the home and capital sovereignty of the Machines in the Matrix trilogy.Ranging from cloud-native services/applications (e.g. prometheus, kafka, fluentd) to blockchain network nodes and validators to an assortment of development and operational environments (e.g. git, vim, tmux), 0xO1 strives to enhance all technological ecosystems with encoded expert & experienced operational logic and insights via the most established and developed software automation tools and best practices, crafted and curated by a world-wide community of operators, developers and hobbyists/enthusiasts.