Waste/Recycling/Environmental - Willard, MO, US
Oasis provides a refuge for girls who are survivors of sex trafficking to find hope, restoration, and dignity. Oasis is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to facilitate the healing and restoration of underage survivors of sex trafficking and transition them into healthy, stable, and supportive homes. The crucial service of Oasis is our therapeutic home. Female survivors of sex trafficking (12-17 years-old) are given a safe place to heal through a trauma-informed restoration program and by receiving education, spiritual development, and medical care. Centrally located in the U.S., Oasis is a safe haven that offers the girls abundant opportunities for recreation, education, and life skills development. The home provides spacious bedrooms for survivors of sex trafficking, a resident suite for staff, a space for art and music therapy, education room, a room for socializing, a full kitchen, and acres of property for recreation and gardening.
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