Media Production - Enugu, Enugu, Nigeria
We want this communicaon system to serve as or become the product of interplay between university customs and conflicts, harmony and strive, cultural convergences and divergence, Oral literature (poetry, storytelling, proverbs) Music, dance, drama and everything that is of significance and in the long run be in all instuons whether Primary or Secondary. That is to say: - To enhance the scope of grassroots awareness and smulate interest. - To serve as fora through which members of a given community can collecvely express their feelings on issues of common concern. - To serve as veritable source of enlightenment for the rural masses (basically university students) especially in the area of educaon, polics, economy, health, culture, agriculture etc. - To foster group and naonal unity, understanding and also bring about cross ferlizaon of ideas among students of different universies and the society at large. - The Observer Newspaper can be effecvely used for the mobilizaon and sensizaon of the University Community and beyond, to acvely parcipate in community and naonal development programs. - Promoon of harmonious relaonship among university communies by fostering communal affinity and understanding. We hope to be able to transverse wide distances like the modern mass media that possesses the capability of reaching heterogeneous and widely dispersed audience simultaneously.