- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Imagination Catalyst business incubator is OCAD University's entrepreneurship and commercialization hub for those who are creating, building, designing, making, and inventing innovative products, services, and companies. Our mission is to support and develop entrepreneurial talent among innovators, creative thinkers and maker-based, design-focused start-up entrepreneurs.Our goal is to help launch new companies and products that contribute to the prosperity of our community.Meet our entrepreneurs and alumni here:https://bit.ly/2y4GxIS To engage OCAD U students, The Grind acts as a student entrepreneur community to encourage entrepreneurship and business growth. The Imagination Catalyst, member of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE), is currently funded by the Government of Ontario and Ontario Centres of Excellence. The Imagination Catalyst Fund, a seed investment fund designed to support Imagination Catalyst companies, is supported by Relay Ventures and Globalive Capital. Cassel Brock is currently Imagination catalyst's legal partner. For updates on the hub and announcements, follow us on our social media:instagram.com/ocaduimaginationcatalyst/twitter.com/ImaginationCatsSign up for our IC newsletter here.https://bit.ly/2rPkwps