Defense & Space - , North District, Israel
ODaL, Optical Design and Laboratory Ltd. Is a leading company in the field of design, producing and testing of Electro-Optical systems. ODaL specializes in the field of the Visible and IR region (NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR). This includes fixed and varying EFL (Zoom) cameras, Eyepieces, Sights, Telescopes, Collimators and literally any optical instrument. ODaL is involved in the markets of the following: Defense and homeland security ,Medicine equipment industry, Consumer and more..ODaL has IN-HOUSE capabilities of optical design, engineering and a laboratory with the world's most advanced measurement systems. The combination of optical design, optical engineering and in-house measurements capabilities, provide us with the benefits you will not find anywhere else on the market. We feature more than 35 years of experience in order to give you a state-of-the-art optical design and measurement service. Contact ; ; ; +972-54-4262569
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