Aviation & Aerospace - Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
Odisha Space Applications Centre (ORSAC), the apex body of the State of Odisha for space technology applications, was established in the year 1984. The Centre is located at Bhubaneswar in its own building at Chandrasekharpur. The Centre is equipped with sophisticated GIS & Computer laboratories with latest GIS and Image software. It has a team of well-experienced multidisciplinary application scientists to undertake Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS based projects. In the field of communication technology application, the center runs GRAMSAT & EDUSAT programme. GRAMSAT includes interactive training programme, production & telecast of developmental programmes in fiction based drama format, documentary format as well as news magazine format. EDUSAT includes telecast of live class room programmes and enrichment programmes for the benefit of High School students.Remotely Sensed data from Earth Observation Satellites, in conjunction with field observations and collateral data, facilitates generation of information for decision making in a time and cost effective manner for scientific management of our natural resources, for monitoring the environment and ecosystems as well as for assessment of damage due to natural disasters. To give substance to the above capability of the technology and to further the goals of Indian Space Programme, ORSAC has defined its objectives and relentlessly attempts to satisfy the same in the context of the needs of the state.