Oil & Energy - Aden, 'Adan Governorate, Yemen
Ofoq Energy is a service company, market leading recruitment & project man-power specialist, providing skills to the energy sector and telecommunication on a permanent, temporary & interim basis in Yemen. We provide successfully services, people and project solutions to a number of clients across our specialist vertical sectors and we deliver the right candidates into the right jobs or projects every timeOfoq Energy provide services in Power Plant, Power Generation, Electrical service, Mechanical Service, Electrical Distribution, Electrical wiring and Oil&Gas.Our aim is to establish a strong and solid partnership with all energy, oil and gas companies working in Yemen in order to progress and development in Yemen in order to keep up with the developed world. We give our hand and welcome to establish and start business with the international Energy, Oil & Gas companies in both Energy, Oil & Gas sectors. We look forward to startup business relationship with your company and we are quite confident that we can supply you with the right candidate as per your requirements. نقدم خدمات في :1- تركيب وتفكيك محطات الكهرباء.2- مشاريع تشغيل وصيانة محطات الكهرباء.3- تركيب وانشاء وصيانة شبكات التوزيع ضغط عالي ومنخفض .4- تركيب وتشغيل وصيانة كهربائية وميكانيكية.5- مشاريع في قطاع الطاقة - النفط والغاز6- تمديدات كهربائية ( منزلية وشبكات متكاملة ).7- تقنية الاتصالات وحلول امنية .8- افضل الانظمة المحاسبية .Work together for success....