Other - Columbus, OH, us
The Ohio Poverty Law Center (OPLC) is a nonprofit law office that pursues statewide policy and systemic advocacy to expand, protect, and enforce the legal rights of low-income Ohioans. The Ohio Poverty Law Center seeks to: - Protect and expand crucial safety net programs for low-income Ohioans who need help to meet their basic needs. - Expand and improve economic and employment opportunities for low-income Ohioans to enable them to be more self-sufficient and reduce their dependence on safety net programs. - Ensure that low-income Ohio children have access to a high quality education and the right to attend school free of discrimination and criminalization. - Defend and expand consumer protections for low-income Ohioans to enable them to achieve greater economic stability and safety. - Defend and expand housing protections for low-income Ohioans to enable them to achieve and maintain safe, stable, affordable housing. - Protect, expand, and enforce Ohio's domestic relations and domestic violence laws. - Fight the stigmatization and exploitation of, and discrimination against, low-income people and other vulnerable Ohioans. - Improve access to judicial and administrative recourse for low-income Ohioans and also improve the operations and efficiency of these systems. OPLC has been a part of Ohio State Legal Services Association (OSLSA) for over 40 years. OSLSA is the umbrella non-profit organization that is now comprised of three separate non-profit legal organizations: 1) OPLC; 2) Southeastern Ohio Legal Services, which provides direct legal services for low-income Ohioans in 30 southeast Ohio counties; and 3) the Legal Aid Society of Columbus, which provides direct legal services to low-income Ohioans in Columbus and surrounding counties. OPLC works directly with these and the other non-profit legal services programs in Ohio to ensure that the low-income clients we serve receive high quality civil legal assistance. Using the law to fight poverty in Ohio.