Non-Profit - N/A, N/A, us
Community neighbors are Amazon HQ2, VA Tech Innovation Ctr., National Science Foundation, United States Patent & Trademark Office, United Way Worldwide and Ronald Reagan Nat'l Airport I Arts District I Taste of Old Town North I Art Walk I Summer Concert Series I Farmers Market I Receipt of an International GOLD Award, in the Association's inaugural year, for its LOGO by the Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals (AMCP) I MarCom has evolved into one of the largest, most-respected creative competitions in the world I Each year about 6,000 print and digital entries are submitted from dozens of countries I Old Town North a waterfront community and the gateway to historic Alexandria I OTNA is a 501(c)(6) Economic Development nonprofit business association to contribute to the health and vitality of the Old Town North business and residential waterfront communities and forward the implementation of the Old Town North Small Area Plan.