Environmental Services - Genoa, Liguria, Italy
Cooperative consortium established in July 1994, that comprise three research companies (RSTA and Ecotemar scrl SCRL - Genoa, Bioservice SCRL - Napoli), which have been operating for more than 30 years in the Liguria Region.It is an expression of the Associations of Coldiretti and the Alliance of Cooperatives (Legapesca Federcoopesca and AGCI Pesca). It includes in his CDA, the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa and, as a partner, Unioncamere Liguria.OLPA cooperates since 1996 with the Liguria Region and since 1999 with ARPAL in the protection, enhancement and management of the environment and its resources. OLPA is a partner in projects Interreg (Gionha), Life+ (Smile, Marelitt), Marine Strategy.From 2015, OLPA cooperates with Costa Crociere Foundation, with the three-year project "Rotta Verso Un Mare Più Blu" the purpose of which is monitoring, spreading and awareness raising on the issue of marine litter.