Social Services - Omaha, NE, us
Omaha Bridges Out of Poverty empowers under-resourced individuals to change their lives by discovering and overcoming barriers to success. Using the' Bridges Out of Poverty' model which is used successfully in 300 U.S. communities, we have developed a plan to help 50,000 under-resourced individuals lift themselves out of poverty by the year 2026. We help people get out of poverty and stay out.How do we defeat poverty?• Classes - 'Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin-By World' is used successfully in 300 U.S. communities with a 75% success rate. 10 weeks of class, meet 2-1/2 hours twice per week.• Life skills - coaches help graduates achieve their SMART goals• Alumni - support recent class graduates• Community support -educate businesses and non-profits in Bridges Out of Poverty concepts
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