Market Research - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
For over 30 years, Omnifacts Research has provided action-oriented information and insight needed to help our clients make decisions, effect change, or launch a product. We treat each client relationship as a partnership, critical when designing appropriate research programs. We offer a full range of telephone, online, and mobile quantitative research and services, in addition to focus group research and recruiting, insight sessions, depth interviews, brainstorming and strategy workshops, community consultations and facilitation. We continue to adopt innovative projective techniques and evolving research techniques such as semiotics. Omnifacts is comprised of a team of 12 research professionals located in Halifax, Moncton, and St. John's, with two state-of-the art call centres in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador and Richibucto, New Brunswick, where we provide bilingual (French) data collection and recruiting services. Our CATI/WEB interviewing system allows client remote monitoring and mixed-mode data collection regionally and for other research firms throughout Canada and the United States. Our three focus group facilities are situated in St. John's, Halifax and Moncton.Omnifacts Research subscribes to the codes of ethics of the American Association of Public Opinion Researchers, Canadian Evaluation Society, Marketing Research and Intelligence Association, MRIA (Canada), the Marketing Research Association, MRA (United States), and the Marketing Research Society, MRS (United Kingdom). Omnifacts Research is a member in good standing of the MRIA and received a Gold Seal designation indicating our organization strictly adheres to the highest level of quality standards. We consistently use quality control measures at all stages of every research study.