Warehousing/Logistics - Warminster, PA, us
Omnilift is the authorized dealership forCrown and Komatsu lift trucks in the greaterDelaware and Lehigh Valleys.The most enduring enterprises are those built onthe strongest foundations. We began buildingours thirty years ago, when in 1976 Omniliftopened its doors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the authorized representative for CrownLift Trucks in the Delaware Valley. From the verybeginning, our company has been driven by thecommitment to total customer satisfaction - before,during and after the sale.Omnilift began it's operation with a few experiencedemployees, one service van, and a lot ofenthusiasm. Our company has steadily continuedto grow, moving once in 1982 to a facility twiceits original size and again in 1987 to our presentlocation in Warwick, Bucks County. In 1994 weopened a branch operation to serve the LehighValley.We have continued to represent Crown LiftTrucks since 1976 and additionally representKomatsu internal combustion trucks. We alsoprovide a multitude of products for most warehousingneeds.With two full-service facilities and 90 knowledgeableand deduicated employees, Omnilift canoffer customers of all sizes the best in products andcustomer service.
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