Luxury Goods & Jewelry - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
On-lines Company "Mode of Personal" is an China handbag label that celebrates individuality and creativity. Our accessible products and superior services are the epitome of inclusive luxury.We have a simple set of values: Make beautiful handbags. Treat people well. And tell you all the story of the leather goods we make. All of our beautiful leather bags are entirely handcrafted in limited numbers and not mass produced, which is what makes each bag so incredibly special.The main concept behind the brand is to produce well-designed products at a fair price point. We want you to be able to upgrade your wardrobe without emptying your wallet. We believe everyone wants more of a choice, and are tired of choosing between disposable fast fashion and overpriced luxury products. We are taking inclusive luxury to the next level, using the same leathers and craftsmanship as luxury brands, but don't charge the price of traditional luxury brands.We embrace materials that leave a lighter footprint on the planet and wherever possible, and the integrity of how, where and who makes our products remains a passionate focus.