Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
What is Wellness 1) Defined 2) Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cirrhosis, Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis Back Problems, Accidents. 3) Strategies for Optimal Well Being. Nutrition & Weight Management Please note: Deborah McDevitt, the presenter, is not a certified nutritionist. The following section will be an overview only on the basics. 1) Nutrition & Its Impact on Disease 2) Nutrition Analysis: Carbohydrates, Fiber, Protein, Fat, Cholesterol. 3) Eating Healthy Guidelines Benefits of Exercise 1) Why we exercise. 2) What happens, to our bodies, when we exercise. 3) Benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness. 4) How often should we exercise. Muscular Imbalance 1) What is muscular Imbalance. 2) Why is form so important. 3) How to avoid pain with proper body mechanics. 4) Exercises to do at your desk Strong Posture Practice 1) An anti-aging strategy? 2) How to stay active as you get older. 3) Posture Pain and Aging? 4) A life habit for intelligent aging. 5) Exercises Flexibility Works 1) Benefits of staying flexible. 2) Types of stretching. 3) General Recommendations for a program. 4) Exercises for: Neck, Shoulder & Back, Arms, Wrist, and Hands.