Entertainment - Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Only at Tech is a collection of stories about Georgia Tech as submitted by students.It was created by a group of CS and CM students who were procrastinating doing their homework. Only at Tech.----Andrew Ash (Programmer) is a fourth-year Computer Science major. He enjoys long walks on the beach and chocolate covered strawberries. Email him at andrew-at-onlyattech.net, and visit his website at www.andrewash.com.Holden Link (Designer) is a fourth-year Computational Media major. There are three types of people in the world - those who are good at math and those who aren't - and Holden is both of them. Email him at holden-at-onlyattech.net, and visit his website at www.holdenlink.com.Kaliyana Finney (Moderator) is a fifth-year Computational Media major. Look, a girl! Email her at kaliyana-at-onlyattech.net.David Turk (Moderator) is a fourth-year Discrete Math major. His previous majors include Aerospace Engineering, International Relations / Modern Languages, and Computational Media, and he also spent one week in Electrical Engineering. His favorite movies include the first Power Ranger's movie (The others fell short of the inherent social commentary symbolized in the pink and blue rangers) and Pulp Fiction. Email him at david-at-onlyattech.net.