Graphic Design - Usquert, Groningen, Netherlands
Beauty versus hideousness, good versus bad. These terms have flashed through the mind of the designer in every design. During the design process, a solid balance between form and function was sought. A beautiful design does not necessarily have to be a good design, and an ugly design can be very well put together. For example, a poster for a new film, exhibition or event can look beautiful, but the legibility or clarity of the date or location can be completely insignificant. This causes the message to be lost. Are there rules for a beautiful and good design? Rules no, guidelines yes. Nature, or rather the entire universe, is formed according to a certain structure and in certain proportions. You will see that the designs that are made according to these structures and proportions are pleasant to work with or to look at without being able to name exactly what causes this. This sense of beauty continues to an unconscious level. It is only logical to apply this system in the designs of the objects and communication tools we use.
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