Internet - Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland means: quick eBook download, pay what you want business model, limitless file copying, freedom of sharing and fair revenue for is: an independent eBookstore where readers can read whole book first, then pay what they want! We are introducing a revolutionary transaction model to the publishing market by giving control back to authors and freedom back to readers.• Read it, Love it, Price it • believes in a world where no book is too expensive for anyone. By providing a pay-what-you-want pricing model, gives booklovers the freedom to discover great reads without having to commit any money or fill out registration forms. With one simple click, a reader can download an eBook to their device, read it and pay for it using the payment link embedded in the eBook. If someone decides to pay, they won't have to break the bank to do so. • Ebooks You Can Really Share • The fear of piracy has forced many publishers into using unfriendly DRM systems that halts the sharing of stories. With readers are free to make copies to send to friends and continue spreading great literature from our rapidly growing indie author community. There are no restrictions on making copies and sharing them with others. In fact, we encourage it. • Publishing Control and Fair Compensation Back to Writers •With, there are no gatekeepers, no censorship, no minimum or maximum enrollment period, and only a few steps to self-publish. We provide fair compensation to authors earning them a 70 percent share from net revenue sales. Writers can withdraw royalties on demand and keep all rights to their properties. For the first time, authors have the opportunity to earn money from non ecommerce sources as every eBook comes with an embodied payment link, allowing readers to pay for any book given to them by friends. The more popular and shared their book is, the more an author can make.
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