- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
OpenRoad is an advanced Internet development company, specializing in Web-based databases, Java programming, CGI scripting (using Perl, C, C++, Visual Basic), and on-line commerce. Our goal is to provide effective Internet and Intranet business solutions to our clients, while staying on the leading edge of emerging Web technology. Our clients include: *TechNet - Described in the Monitor, a magazine detailing the activities of the B.C. TIA, as "one of the most ambitious Internet projects ever undertaken in Canada", the TechNEt project is an on-line multi-user environment, through which members of advanced technology associations can create a presence on the Web. *Knowledge Architecture - OpenRoad is in the process of developing an on-line Web site for KA that will allow students and teachers from around the province to participate in a virtual forum to share ideas and resources relating to Information Technology Management. *SkillNet - SkillNet is an on-line, searchable database of continuing education courses currently offered by major public educational institutions and commercial course providers. SkillNet members can easily add or revise their course offerings on-line through the use of an automatic update feature. SkillNet consists of a partnership between the Science Council of BC, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and the Technology Industries Association of BC. *SoftSearch - SoftSearch is an on-line searchable database of software products and developers. With over 100,00 software titles, it is the largest database of its type. OpenRoad constructed the Web database and created the interface for this project. We have contributed extensively to the Vancouver Internet Community by giving regular public talks and seminars, being involved in various technology groups