E-learning - , ,
MISSION:: An educational non-profit, our mission is to transform PK-12 education, one classroom at a time. We do this through providing a multifaceted Virtual Education Space that empowers students to extend their classroom learning with online tools, and learn on their own outside of the classroom. This environment is accessible to students and parents at no cost.CURRENT WORK: We work directly with students and parents through our own student-oriented environment, and offer school-oriented Learning Lab spaces to schools. We also partner with educational programs to provide customized learning spaces for their services. In the future we will also offer a library-based environment.BACKGROUND: Over the past 10 years we have built a powerful and lightweight architecture for a personalized e-learning integration platform (virtual education space), that supports teaching, self-teaching, collaborative learning, social networking, and sharing of educational content and tools in a single smooth and easy to use online environment, accessible from any internet browsing device. Our work uses and promotes open standards for education content sharing, and is based in partnerships with non-profits, universities, and other innovators in technology and education.