Transportation - N/A, N/A, US
Oleme rahvusvaheline raudtee logistikaettevõte, mille põhilisteks ärisuundadeks on kaubavedu, veeremi rent, ehitus ja remont. Meie kogemus raudteel ulatub pea 150 aasta taha. Teenindame kliente üle kogu 1520-millimeetrise rööpmelaiusega raudteevõrgu Soome lahest kuni Musta mereni ning Baltikumist kuni Jaapani mereni.We are an international railway logistics company whose main areas of business are freight transport, rolling stock rental, and construction and maintenance. We have almost 150 years of experience on the railways. We serve clients throughout the 1520 mm-gauge railway network, from the Gulf of Finland to the Black Sea, and from the Baltic to the Sea of Japan.
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