Public Safety - , ,
As a privately owned company, Opiflash Safety Management can assure our clients of ownership stability, operating flexibility, and commitment. OSM has a SUCCESSION PLAN and the resources and experience to be a true long term partner. From the front-end assessment through implementation, OSM follows a systems approach to health and safety and security, addressing both prevention and response. We develop solutions, and advise clients on recognising, preparing for, and reacting to the full spectrum of special event situations. We deliver a health and Safety and/or SECURITY SOLUTION precisely tuned to your situation, culture, and needs. Our continuing objective is to never lose sight of the promise that every process, every task, every employee, every initiative must have one goal in mind: enhancing customer value. Opiflash Safety Management (Pty) Ltd is the most locally-focused safety company in South Africa, with safety officers who provide unmatched SAFETY SOLUTIONS to meet the specific needs of numerous businesses. Founded in 2013, Opiflash Safety Management designed appropriate defensive strategies in commercial, industrial, institutional and government environments. Our Mission - To protect South Africa's events, workplaces and communities by providing the all logistic support and advice they need to safeguard their people. We live in a world in which concerns for safety and security escalate daily. From a business perspective, these uncertainties apply to the well-being not only of people, but also of buildings, equipment competitive information and research and development information. To be able to meet the increasing safety demands, we've chosen to concentrate exclusively on safety. That means we can dig deeper, understand more and do our job better.