Human Resources - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Opportune Technologies [OTPL] is Software Company & HR Automation company incorporated since 2004. Opportune has extensive experience in automating HR process on Cloud using its web based Enterprise HRMS solution-‘OPTHRMS’Opportune is established based on strong business ethics & collaborative approach. During last 4 years Opportune has gained immense experience for deploying & managing application over Cloud platform.Opportune strongly believes that customer gets maximum ROI by offering Software as Services [SaaS]Opportune’s more then 97% customer base has subscripted for SaaSOpportune has trained team & HR domain professionals to carry payroll processing & HR outsourcing [OPTHRO] activity. Opportune has design a systematic process for outsourcing activities. At each level we have assigned maker & checker to ensure the correct results. Our HRO activity runs on our [OPTHRMS]