Health, Wellness and Fitness - San Diego, California, US
The Optimal Health and Prevention Research Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity, is developing the Integrative Optimal Health and Prevention Personalized Self-Care Program (OHP Program). The scientifically-based OHP Program provides an innovative, commercially non-biased, preventive self-care model that enables an individual to take control and responsibility over his/her own health. The OHP Program, derived from the emerging science of “Personalized Health,” provides an individual with efficient and practical, evidence-based self-care solutions to achieve two major goals: 1. Proactive Health Optimization: To reach and to maintain a state of Optimal Health, defined as a) complete physical, psychological (mental and emotional) and spiritual well-being; and b) peak vitality, personal performance and productivity, across the entire lifespan; 2. Primary Disease Prevention: To predict and to prevent major non-communicable chronic and degenerative diseases. The OHP Program’s evidence-based self-care interventions are primarily non-pharmacological, highly personalized, and based on an initial comprehensive predictive, genomic and functional biochemical and physiological biomarker assessment. The Foundation’s advanced assessment goes far beyond currently available health risk screenings utilized in wellness programs or executive health “physicals” available in conventional medical settings. The assessment instead focuses on the root causes of chronic diseases. The assessment data is translated via a proprietary artificial intelligence algorithm into an interventional Personalized Self-care Plan that empowers a person with an individually tailored tool-box of integrative self-care techniques and specific nutritional & lifestyle recommendations. These recommendations are supported by an OHPRF Education & Coaching Program. All components of the program are linked together via an advanced artificial intelligence technology platform and secured personal health records.