Publishing - Pune, Maharashtra, India
When everyone saw apples and rain fall to the ground day after passing day, Newton asked a simple question 'why', and that was how the concept of gravity came into the world. He went ahead and asked, 'why not?', so we have classical mechanics, and another 'why not?' introduced us to laws of cooling, and today we have created satellites, discovered gravitational waves and invented car radiators out of them. When Kary Mullis was driving on the highway, he was stuck with the idea for the Polymerase Chain Reaction, which dominates medical diagnostics, therapeutics and forensic research today, and although Alexander Fleming might have had serendipity in his favor, what made penicillin a drug, saving millions of lives, was him simply questioning, 'What is killing my bacteria?'Science is a temple of pondering, and at is altar is the art of questioning. At OQEAY, we make science inclusive. We are committed to add art to science, and fluidity of how science is communicated to the student community- so every time you say OK, Once, Question Everything Around You and say OQEAY instead.