Non-Profit - Oshawa, ON, CA
Organization for Research and Community Development Canada Inc. (ORCD Canada) is a nongovernmental, non-political, non-for-profit and independent organization founded in 2016 by a group of Community Development and Research specialists. ORCD is an NGO having Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of UN since 2015. The aim of the organization is to contribute to the development of local and global settings as an integral part of the international community. It envisages accomplishing its aims by building local capacities, generating evidence in various disciplines, promoting evidence-based best practices, and implementing developmental projects aimed at Community Development at the grass root level.ORCD Canada services include planning of humanitarian and development projects, designing feasibility studies, and management of community-based interventions for the development of target communities through best practices. ORCD Canada considers a multi-sectoral approach to Community Development and hence ensures its services to be offered through an extended range of sectors spanning health, education, and agriculture. It also tries to ensure that women empowerment, as a key cross-cutting issue, is at the center of Community Development.ORCD Canada brings expertise in managing large-scale projects and sourcing and managing high quality development experts covering a variety of disciplinary skills required for the implementation of projects. Establishing meaningful partnerships, ensuring diversity and community empowerment with a special focus on women are the core working principles of ORCD Canada. ORCD Canada is data-driven, field-driven, impact-investment centered, collaborative, and inclusive non-profit organization focused on evidence-based best practice approaches, to empower communities locally and globally to set and achieve their own development goals.Nick Mawani MPH DrPH (c)President - ORCD Canada
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