International Affairs - Washington, Washington, United States
MISSIONThe Organization of Iranian-American communities works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Iran. This includes advocating for a democratic secular government in Iran, founded on respect for human rights, religious tolerance, and equality among all citizens. Our goal is to organize Iranian-American communities in the United States to promote these values. VISIONOIAC envisions a future Iran that is a democratic secular, non-nuclear republic. We believe that this view is shared by the majority of Iranians inside and outside of Iran, and we hope to serve as a a resource for Iranians in pursuing these goals. GOALSOIAC does not support a foreign war, nor does it support an appeasement policy towards Iran. Our goal is to promote a third option in dealing with the Iran, one which supports the Iranian people's struggle for democratic change. We hope to serve as a platform and resource for Iranian-Americans working on human rights issues and standing in solidarity with the Iranian people for democratic change in Iran. Click HERE for our 10 principles for a future Iran.