Higher Education - Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
The Radhakrishnan University Education Commission of 1949 emphasised the need for establishing Agricultural Universities in India., Subsequently, the indo-American team consistitued under the Chairmanship of Dr. K.R. Damle (1955), the then Vice-president of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, suggested a system of education for Indian as followed in the Land Grant Colleges of USA. The Planning Commission Committee felt the inadequacy of trained personnel for substantial output in agricultural operations with the then set up of research, education and extension in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and allied fields. In course of time, these recommendations led to the creation of the agricultural universities to accomplish the integration of teaching, research and extension.In 1961, the Legislature of the State of Orissa enacted the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Act, 1961 (Orissa Act 20 of 1961) with the object of establishing and incorporating a University of Agriculture and Technology for the agricultural education of the people of the State. The University took its birth on 24th August, 1962 when it was inaugurated by Prof. John K. Galbraith, the then U.S. Ambassador in India. The University came into operation from 1st February, 1963, when the two Govt. managed Colleges, the Utkal Krushi Mahavidyalaya and the Orissa College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry with their staff were transferred to the University. This Act passed in 1961, was later repealed in 1965 by the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Act, 1665 )Orissa Act, 17 of 1965) which came into fore from the 3rd November, 1965. The University started a College of Basic Science and Humanities with the Pre-University Science class sin 1964 and in the following year the Pre-professional science class was added. The College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology came up in the year 1966.