Fund-raising - New York, New York, United States
My mission is to provide fund raising solutions that will strengthen your organization to become sustainable over the long run. It's not what I can do for you; it's what you will be able to do as a result of our work together. It starts with you: time tested fundraising strategies and techniques must be adapted to meet your mission, culture, and resources.I have 40 years of experience as a board member, chief development officer, teacher, consultant, and coach with local, national, and international organizations. Recent clients include: Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens - St. Mary's School - Dress for Success International Conference - Baruch Nonprofit Management Institute - African Population and Health Research Council, (Nairobi) - Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees - Global Language Project - Front Line Defenders, (Dublin) - Lutheran Social Services – The Sato Project - Older Adults Technology Services. About you:• You are hiring your first professional development director. • You are building a development department.• You need to diversify your sources of revenue e.g. most of your funds come from government or private funds.• You need to increase individual donors; you need to cultivate major donors.• You need someone who has fundraising skills and experience you can't afford.• You need stronger fundraising support from your board – they can do a lot more than just give or get.• You need someone to serve as an interim development director while you are searching for a permanent chief development officer.• You are an executive director who needs to learn more about fundraising and how to build a supportive fundraising culture.• There is a lot of turnover among your fundraising staff (it's not inevitable).• You are a consultant who needs to add a fundraising component to a project.I work mostly on a retainer basis; but I can work on specific projects and provide a low-cost coaching option.Let's talk: 212-501-0736