Consumer Services - , ,
Some background to OSMM Limited. OSMM Limited (OrganiseSortMoveManage) is owned by Mihi Sinclair, formerly co-owner and Director of Smooth Transitions New Zealand Limited. Smooth Transitions New Zealand Limited is a company that provides support specifically targeted to seniors whereas Mihi wanted to help those from all age groups. She found it very difficult as she had to turn down helping people because they were from a different age group. She still provides the same support to seniors but she also does a whole lot more. The company is based in Wellington and operates from Horowhenua, Kapiti, Upper and Lower Hutt, Petone to the Cook Strait. They are relocation managers, organizational gurus, sorting and decluttering specialists (also do a lot of work supporting and assisting hoarders so that they can live in a safe and healthy home) and are experienced professional estate dispersal managers.