Public Safety - Harrisburg, PA, US
The Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission is a network of Pennsylvania business leaders dedicated to making the success of every child in Pennsylvania a top priority by working to improve tomorrow's economy through smart policy investments in today's young children. For more information about the Early Learning Investment Commission, please contact our office or phone at 717-213-2067. Our Goal We are working to build a permanent sustainable network of business champions who understand the solid connection between quality early childhood experiences and a strong Pennsylvania economy. We are also building a coalition of supporters who effectively communicate this message to other business leaders, business organizations, and policymakers. Ultimately, we're working for increased public investment in Pennsylvania's young children. By investing in our youngest children now- when those investments will yield the highest societal returns – we can build the workforce we need to keep America competitive in the years ahead. By age 5, more than 85 percent of the foundation for communications, critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork is developed. These are the base learning skills necessary for the future educational success of our children. Long term studies have found that the rate of return of high quality early care and education is $16 for every $1 invested, that's a better return than the stock market. Children who participate in quality early care and education programs need fewer supports in school, are more likely to graduate, complete post-secondary education, earn higher wages, and are less likely to pursue unhealthy and illegal behaviors.
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