Packaging & Containers - , ,
PACKAGiNG & Print Media is a vertically-integrated monthlymagazine serving both packaging printers/converters andpackaging end users in the FMCG industries.Its mission is• To provide readers - whether packaging printers andconverters, or FMCG manufacturers - with the most up-todateinformation on technological developments affectingtheir businesses; keeping them abreast of worldwide andlocal trends in all aspects of packaging printing, design,materials usage, and other relevant technologies.• To provide advertisers with a medium through which theycan be totally confident of reaching precisely the categoryof readers who are likely to be interested in and thereforelikely to purchase their products or services.• To maintain editorial standards at an extremely high level,with an editorial staff intimately involved and completelyconversant with the various technologies included in themagazine. Key within this editorial policy are contextand relevance.