Specialty - N/A, N/A, ca
It's pretty simple, really. Camping kits, individual items, and outdoor gear rentals, delivered and picked-up from your home.Find what you need to create your Packlist, and once you have everything, book your dates, read and agree to the terms and conditions, and make your payment. We will reach out to arrange delivery and pick-up times to make things easy. Our Packlist team will then assemble your clean, sanitized gear and pack it. On the evening before your rental begins you will receive a sturdy storage bin(s) with all your gear. Then, go out and use it! Have fun!When you're done, put all the returnable items back in the bin, and on the day after your rental, we will come and get it!Perfect if you're in a pinch, or you can't find your gear. No more panic, no more rooting through the attic. No more arriving at the campsite, having forgotten your tent poles.Or perhaps you're visiting BC and don't want to shuffle all your camping gear through all the nation's airports. No problem! we'll drop it off at your hotel, Airbnb, or any other place with an address. Best of all, when you're back from your adventure, we take it all away! No sorting, no storage, just great memories. The outdoors, on your doorstep.
Mobile Friendly
Bootstrap Framework