Nonprofit Organization Management - Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan
VisionA democratically, culturally, socially, politically sustained, self-reliant, developed and vivacious society.MissionEmpowerment through inclusive approach for the socio-economically excluded through protection and promotion of their rights, echoing their unheard voices and enhancing their participation and representation in the social, economic, and political actionsGenesisPAHEL is a non-government, not for profit, non-religious/faith, non-sectarian organization. In 2009 AD, it was established by a group of senior male and female development activists consist on educationists, doctors, legal experts, technocrats, dynamic entrepreneurs, enthusiastic students and effervescent youth and it was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on August 31, 2009.The group believed in a Chinese proverb that "A journey of thousand miles must begin with first step" Hence an initiative for social development in the society was taken by the group and founded an association called PAHEL (PAHEL is an Urdu word that means an initiative).The organization was formed to bridge the gap between Right holders/people and Duties bearers/state actors/service providers through social development initiatives, advocacy and lobbying on the issues of common people. PAHEL, strives to promote a culture and environment, where people can enjoy their right i.e. Social Protection, Food, Livelihood, Education, Health and Basic Infrastructure.PAHEL believes that the Resilient Society, cannot be possible, until all groups contribute their capacities to the societal exertion. The troubles of socially ignored segments of society like Women, Children, Transgender, Religious minorities, differently able and Rural youth, are highly in focus. PAHEL Pakistan visualize their invisible vulnerabilities and take these all groups onboard to reduce the risk to their lives and livelihood, and to make realization of their importance for the holistic development in society.
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