Pakistan Muaythai Federation

Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment - 3rd Floor Lahore, N/A, pk

Pakistan Muaythai Federation Employees
Naseeb Khan

Senior Vice President

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Pakistan Muaythai Federation Details

Muay Thai was first introduced in Pakistan in the year 2000, when Muay Thai Association Lahore was formed. In the very next year, DMA Lahore got the recognition from Divisional Sports Office, Lahore .During the year 2004, Prof. Dr. Rasheed Zai, Mr. Rehan Hameed and Dr. Muhammad Naseeb Ullah Khan (Founders of PMF) alongwith other pioneers of Muay Thai in Pakistan saw the necessity to establish a regulatory body for Amateur MuayThai – holding bouts around the country and dealing with regulations and safety measurements and get national recognition for MuayThai. In 2004 , the PAKISTAN AMATEUR MUAY THAI FEDERATION (PMF) was authoritatively instituted during its first general meeting. Soon after many elating amateur MuayThai events were held.

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Employees: 5 - 9
Location: 3rd Floor Lahore, N/A, pk
Revenue: Not Available
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Are you looking for contact information for the Pakistan Muaythai Federation? ConnectPlex is your one-stop solution! Our extensive database of company information includes contact details for key personnel in the Pakistan Muaythai Federation, making it easy for you to get in touch with the right people. Whether you're looking to collaborate, sponsor, or simply get more information, we've got you covered. At ConnectPlex, we understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date contact information. That's why we've worked tirelessly to compile a comprehensive list of contacts for the Pakistan Muaythai Federation, so you don't have to. Save time and effort in your search for the right contacts, and let us help you connect with the people who matter most. Try ConnectPlex today and see the difference!

The Pakistan Muaythai Federation (PMF) is the regulatory body for amateur Muay Thai in Pakistan, established in 2004. The organization was formed to promote and develop the sport of Muay Thai in the country, and to provide a platform for amateur fighters to compete and excel in the sport. The PMF is responsible for organizing and regulating Muay Thai events, ensuring safety measurements and providing national recognition for the sport. The PMF has been instrumental in promoting Muay Thai in Pakistan, and has hosted several elating amateur events in the country. The organization has also been working towards getting national recognition for Muay Thai, and has been successful in gaining recognition from the Divisional Sports Office, Lahore. The PMF is headquartered in Lahore, and has a strong presence in the country with a size of 5-9 employees. Despite being a non-profit organization, the PMF has made significant contributions to the development of Muay Thai in Pakistan.

In 2000, a group of people started Muay Thai in Pakistan and formed the Muay Thai Association Lahore. The next year, they got recognized by the Divisional Sports Office in Lahore. In 2004, some of the people who started Muay Thai in Pakistan, including Prof. Dr. Rasheed Zai, Mr. Rehan Hameed, and Dr. Muhammad Naseeb Ullah Khan, wanted to create a group to make sure Muay Thai was safe and followed rules. They also wanted to make Muay Thai popular in Pakistan. They started the Pakistan Amateur Muay Thai Federation (PMF) and had their first meeting. After that, they held many exciting Muay Thai events.

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