Education Management - Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
The Pakistan Society of B-Tech Engineers (PSBTE) is a non-profit national association for the M.Tech Engineers, B.Tech Engineers, Engineering Technologists (B.Tech Pass, BSc Tech) and Associate Engineers (DAE). PSBTE was found by a group of Engineering Technologists and Technicians 2006, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts from its members, PSBTE membership became open to all the members in the Engineering Technologists community. Nowadays, the PSBTE members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development director and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over the World. PSBTE is one of the Pakistan's Largest and rapidly growing society of B.Tech Engineers and Engineering Technologists.MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES:Following are the Membership Categories:1. MPSBTE - Member of PSBTEB.Tech Hons / B.S Technology / B.Sc Engineering Technology (16 Years Degree) Graduates are eligible for this Membership Title.2. AMPSBTE - Associate Member of PSBTEB.Tech Pass (14 Years Degree) Graduates are eligible for this Membership Title.3. SMPSBTE - Student Member of PSBTEStudents of any Technology Degree (B.Tech or DAE) are eligible for this Membership Title.4. FPSBTE - Fellow of PSBTEAny individual, who support or sponsor the M.Tech and B.Tech Engineering Profession and willing to promote the mission and objectives of Our Engg Organisation.5- APSBTE - Affiliate with PSBTEAffiliate members have an interest in advancing the purpose and objectives of PSBTE and are not students or classically trained engineers or scientists.