Telecom Services - Princeton, NJ, US
The disparity between those who have access to true high speed internet and those who do not threatens to leave behind over 50% of the population and make large swaths of land unlivable due to the lack of access to basic necessities which are contingent on the ability to connect to the internet.Access to high speed internet has gone from a luxury to a necessity in the last 20 years, arriving at this point in time where the "haves" and "have nots" can be measured in bits per second. It is the mission of Palindrome Solutions to help bridge this digital divide even as the gulf threatens to widen into a digital chasm with the evolution of 5G. It will take an intentional mindset to identify the areas which are at the greatest risk of being left behind and ensuring that these locations, and the people who reside there, are given equitable opportunities to take part in our connected future.We at Palindrome Solutions are up to the task.