Professional Services software - N/A, N/A, UK
PalisadeSECURE - Cyber Security Operations\\PalisadeSECURE are a Global Cyber Security Operations company, delivering Cyber Security Operations, Vulnerability Management and User Education.\\In a fast developing world, keeping ahead of the threat is a challenge and Cyber Security is fast becoming the infrastructure team's biggest headache. Delegating the task of delivering Cyber Security Operations allows your infrastructure team to focus on delivering solutions whilst providing your Information Security department the peace of mind threats are minimised throughout the estate.\\Centered around the four operational areas:\\Foundation\> Operating System Patching\> Application Patching\> Operating System Upgrades\> Hyper-visor Patching\> BIOS Updates\> End of Life Management\\Identification\> 24/7 Penetration Testing\> Attack Path Reporting\> Prioritisation\> Threat Analyses\\Education\> End User Training\> Awareness Campaigns\> Phishing Campaigns\> Consultancy\> Seminars\> Videos and Posters\\Remediation\> Target Patching and Upgrades\> Mitigation\> Reconfiguration\> Task Force Supplementation \\All of our employees have the experience of managing hardware directly and responsible for maintaining FTSE financial companies.\\Please visit our website for more information:\\\