Palm Estate

Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Palm Estate Employees
Abhishek Joseph

Manager Sales & Marketing

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Sushma Prasad

Business Development Manager

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Palm Estate Details

We are in business to create and deliver real value for clients in a complex world that is constantly changing. Palm Estate is a professional services firm specializing in real estate services and investment management .Our experience and in-depth analysis of global economic and market trends allows us to source the best locations and developments worldwide which offers the highest investment potential. We serve the local regional and global real estate needs of those clients in response to changing client expectations and market conditions. We assemble team of experts who deliver integrated services built on market insight and foresight sound research and relevant market knowledge. We attract develop and reward the best and most diverse people in our industry challenging them to develop enduring client relationships built on quality service collaboration and trustWe are in business to create and deliver real value for clients in a complex world that is constantly changing. Palm Estate is a professional services firm specializing in real estate services and investment management .Our experience and in-depth analysis of global economic and market trends allows us to source thWe are in business to create and deliver real value for clients in a complex world that is constantly changing. Palm Estate is a professional services firm specializing in real estate services and investment management .Our experience and in-depth analysis of global economic and market trends allows us to source the best locations and developments worldwide which offers the highest investment potential. We serve the local regional and global real estate needs of those clients in response to changing client expectations and market conditions. We assemble team of experts who deliver integrated services built on market insight and foresight sound research and relevant market knowledge. We attract develop and reward the best and most diverse people in our industry challenging them to develop enduring client relationships built on quality service collaboration and truste best locations and developments worldwide which offers the highest investment potential. We serve the local regional and global real estate needs of those clients in response to changing client expectations and market conditions. We assemble team of experts who deliver integrated services built on market insight and foresight sound research and relevant market knowledge. We attract develop and reward the best and most diverse people in our industry challenging them to develop enduring client relationships built on quality service collaboration and trust

Employees: 1
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

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