Building Materials - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Panelbuild Pty Ltd was established in 2010 to service a need to supply panelised timber housing in Australia and the Pacific Region. After conducting extensive research throughout 2009 and 2010, state of the art CNC machinery was purchased from Europe and delivered to panelBUILD's 6000 m2 factory in Brisbane, Australia in late 2010. Through the supply and installation of pre-fabricated building panels, panelBuild is focused on achieving substantial on-site time savings for traditional housing construction, both in single and multi residential units. Aside from the significant savings in construction time and labour hours, the other advantages are quality control, significant reduction in material waste and increase in worker safety. The methods and equipment used have proven performance overseas, but are totally new to Australia. The panelBuild system utilises traditional timber framing and identical materials used in home building today. All the timber utilised is sourced from managed sustainable forests. The houses are not modular and do not look like "factory built" homes – finished appearances are the same as houses standing in most new estates today. Panels are designed to satisfy the requirements of any local building codes and the imposed loads. Cyclonic conditions, earthquake design and snow loading can all be accommodated. Once panels are delivered to site, a 150m2 – 200m2 can generally be erected to "lock-up" stage in a day or two.
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