Oil & Energy - , ,
Pangean Energy is a high-growth oil and natural gas exploration, production and drilling company operating multiple projects in North America. Pangean Energy's current focus is in the Williston Basin where the company has more than 87,000 acres under lease option in highly productive areas that include McKenzie County, North Dakota and Williams County, North Dakota.Owner, Bart Sweazea, is an experienced oil and gas professional currently exploring new possibilities in the energy industry. In total, Bart Sweazea has worked on, or participated in, 425 wells in the Barnett Shale of Texas. "We got them down to a science. I was working on some of the best rigs, drilling wells in 14 to 16 days," he says. After 8 years of success, Sweazea decided to start his own independent oil and gas company to participate in the shale oil production industry, specifically the Bakken Shale.Sweazea has put together a team of geologists, engineers and drilling specialists from his connections in North Dakota and Texas. He hopes to utilize some of the solids control equipment and strategies he previously used in Texas to drill wells faster. "I'm hoping I can turn some of the drilling contractors up there on to some equipment that will improve drilling times," he says. "We are going to go out there and see if we can hit some of the biggest wells."Bart Sweazea is a jack-of-all-oil-trades and he's bringing his multipronged skill set to the Bakken. In his early 20s, Sweazea began working in Texas as an oil and gas broker. "I would spend all of my time in the geologist's office," he says, "then I started to go chase my own leases.""I can't think of a happier time since I've been in the oil business. The success rate in the Bakken is phenomenal. It is a good time to be in the oil business if you know how to drill a shale well."