Retail - Somers, Wisconsin, United States
Most know me as a design & technology college grad. But my love to be creative pretty much just couldn't be contained in graphic design, drawing, web and programming classes. Thus, PAPER by Courtney was born.I design all of my cards to be something I would want to buy, because so many times I'm let down at the drug store trying to pick out a card that looks like I care – before I even open the card to judge how awful the corny sayings can be. So, by choice, my cards are, typically, blank with at least enough space to say exactly what YOU want to say!In an age where I'm sure greeting cards make up too much of the landfills, I'm determined to show those I (and we) care about just how much I (and we) do, and giving something handmade, high quality & well-crafted is about the best way to say it when everything else seems so rushed and so thoughtless.Consider supporting a local artisan today when thinking of how to congratulate a newly married couple, say happy birthday to your mom or thank your dog-walker.