E-learning - Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Paragraph helps you effortlessly learn a foreign language while reading the daily news, no extra time required. Just browse the web the way you already do.Paragraph lets you learn a language without studying, setting aside time, or even trying to learn. Browse the web, go to the sites you normally would, and you'll be learning a second language at the same time.How it works:Each time you'll click on the extension, a new tab will be opened with Paragraph's unique user experience, providing you with a clean ad-free reading environment. The real magic begins, when Paragraph's smart algorithm starts analyzing the text and classifies each word by its difficulty level, relative to you. Then, it is yours to decide on the amount of the translated words to be shown. Simple as that.With this simple and cleaver user experience, you can make the most out of your time and seamlessly enrich your vocabulary.It currently officially supports English to French, German, Spanish, Hebrew, and Swedish, in beta. If you are interested to help add more, please contact us.