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ParamountSong, the Nashville Songwriting Site and songwriting resources company, provides professional songwriting help for songwriters and lyric writers throughout the world. The songwriters we help on their paths to success are of all skill levels, from those just starting to write songs, to the highly accomplished. We're always looking to discover new songwriters and new songs, including songwriters who write lyrics only. Recording artists and record companies don't accept lyrics without music, but we do. A wide variety of accomplished Nashville songwriters work with us to write music to complement the work of lyricists around the world. That means you don't have to know how to read or write music to work with ParamountSong. Our professional songwriters make lyric writers' words come alive with the sounds of hit songs like those you hear on the radio. And we turn rough recordings from songwriters who write both words and music into great song demos, ready to present to any recording artist, record producer, record label or music publisher in the world. Find out more about us on our website: