Entertainment - New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Parasol Systems is a dynamic rigging company that features three product lines which create never-been-seen-before, mind blowing visual effects. Parasol's patented technologies literally add a new dimension of movement to the world of entertainment lighting. With the ACS dynamic rigging system, you have the freedom to move any number of otherwise fixed moving lights along pre-defined pathways that you design. Parasol systems consist of fully independent, programmable carts that move lights or other equipment along predetermined pathways on specially designed tracks. These tracks can be straight, curved or circular and both carts and tracks are fully scalable. Lighting designers are now able to move luminaries wherever, and whenever they choose with remarkable precision and repeatability. The visual synergy resulting from this simultaneous, co-choreographed movement of the luminaries and carts, create stunning visual effects that have never been seen before. Parasol has removed the shackles from luminaries and has provided lighting designers the freedom to move lights in new directions.